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What Are You Choosing For Your Better And Bright Future?

One thing that a lot of people ask themselves, “Should I buy a home of should I go for rent option.” This topic goes on with a long debate in your mind leaving you confused about what to choose, which is better? When it comes to buying home it is one of the biggest financial decisions which you are taking. Most of the home buyers wonder that will it be a right decision of investing now, will this home prove itself a good invest and many more questions buzz around in mind.

If you have analyzed then you might have noticed that every man’s first desire is to get a dream home but sometimes it is not possible because of some financial issues. But for this our government is taking the best of initiatives by providing Affordable Housing Scheme and Home Loan Facilities (which some project exceed till 90%). These have acted as revolutionary step in making your dream of own housing come true.

But when it comes to rental houses there are more loses then benefits. When you think of rental home it gives you an instant burden in the starting of every month of paying monthly rent, moreover your house owner can increase the rent anytime if the market value of the property increases. You cannot mortgage your own home in case of emergency but this is possible when you own your home. There are many restrictions when you live in a rented house and you have to follow them and so bye to your freedom.

Choice will always be limited in case of rental home but when it comes to buying you have abundant of options to choose from. Indeed most of the time and in long run race you will realize that buying home and an investment in buying home was always cheaper than staying in a rented home.

It’s time for you to take your decision and fulfill your dream and book your home with us. You are invited for “Affordable Housing Carnival” in Gurugram on 26th May 2019 and book your dream home there and then.

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