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Earth Day: Preserve the beauty of our fragile planet

Earth Day is being celebrated annually on April 22. This global event is held to reflect the importance of preserving our planet and life. It was around 45 years back when the very first Earth Day was celebrated. The day has gaining more significance over the years. Environmentalists all across the world are hoping to plant 7.8 billion trees, measures to divert from fossil fuels and making cities renewable. But this year is set to become the landmark year in the whole history of the celebrations.

Earth Day 2016 will witness the official enforcement of Paris climate agreement, which was widely acclaimed as an historic deal in last December. Representatives from almost 160 countries will assemble and sign the much awaited deal in New York on Friday. The countries shall agree to restrict the global warming below 2 degree Celsius and reduce the usage of fossil fuels by signing the Paris Climate agreement.

Many chaotic events like pollution, deforestation, oil spills, melting glacier, forest fires has been disrupting our planet. Earth Day is the perfect stage to find out the solutions and remedies to mark our change in preserving the beauty of our fragile planet. It is not always the big steps, but we can bring some small yet handful changes of our lifestyle in this Earth Day.

  • Reduce the use of papers
  • Reduce or Reuse plastic bags
  • Go veggie or reduce the consumption of meat
  • Use reusable water bottles
  • Plant more herbs and trees
  • Use renewable energy resources

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